'Tis the Season image

'Tis the Season

End of Year Giving to Support World Class Music

$2,475 raised

$100,000 goal


“The Holidays really start for us when we come to Glacier Symphony’s Messiah Performance.” -Kirsten and Mike Smith, Market President of Glacier Bank and proud supporters of Glacier Symphony Orchestra and Chorale.

As we prepare the Glacier Symphony Orchestra and Chorale for the holiday season, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Your generosity has made so much possible this year—enabling us to bring together both local and guest artists, produce genre-spanning performances, and share the beauty of symphonic music with our community.

In this season of giving, we ask you to reflect on the role Glacier Symphony has played in your life and community. Your support sustains us and the symphonic tradition in the Flathead Valley!

Your year-end donations will support:

  • Soloist Spotlights, allowing you to network with world class musicians in small, interactive, and elegant settings.
  • Youth Music Experience Program, inspiring the next generation of local musicians by connecting guest artists with K-12 schools.
  • Concert production, creating high quality music experiences for you at the Wachholz Center and other venues.
  • Local Partnerships, building a thriving local arts community by introducing and advancing local talent and fellow arts organizations.

Consider a gift to the Glacier Symphony Orchestra and Chorale... Donate today by using the enclosed envelope, call us at 406-407-7000, or donate online at www.glaciersymphony.org/give.

We look forward to seeing you at Glacier Symphony concerts and events as we continue our 42ndSeason: World Connections.